Minipet pricing guide (recent)
It was annyoing me there was no good pet guid here becouse one from an other guy dont gets updated so here i am, Please post if you think the minipets are other prices than im saying:
this is a price guide.
White All white minipets are ALMOST possible to get for 10k ea or less
Devourer -> 5k-9k (still not the most wanted minipet)
Necrid Horseman -> 10k-15k
Jade Armor -> 10k-18k
Seige Turtle -> 10k-18k
Hydra -> 8k-15k
Troll -> 8k-15k (Not hard to get for a price of 8k)
Temple Guardian -> 10k-17k
Fungal Wallow -> 8k-15k
Kirin -> 10k-20k
Charr Shaman -> Dont know yet
Burning Titan -> 10k-20k (hard to sell for 20k)
Shiro -> Please post about those 2 pets , dont know their price yet
Rurik -> Please post about those 2 pets , dont know their price yet
Kunnavang -> 60k – 85k (possible to get for 60k but hard )
Bone Dragon -> 100k + 5-10 ectos (hard to sell for 10+ ectos)
Nightfall Minipets
Varesh 9k-20k (even varesh has been updated price dont updates)
Giant 10k-20k (Hard to sell for 20k)
This is a minipet pricing guide My ign is fire of phoenixx
I try to keep the prices updated every day/week
Thank you.